Stirrup Accessories

KYRA Single™ Stirrup Boot Covers
Infection control for your stirrups. A single-use, non sterile disposable that encapsulates the patient’s foot to help prevent cross-contamination when using stirrups and can decrease room turnover time. Fits Yellow and Purple branded stirrups.
KYRA8198 Yellofins® Stirrups
KYRA8149 Purple Stirrups
The Purple Stirrup Cart
Easy to push/pull with ergonomic handles. Cart keeps stirrups secured during transport to prevent damage. Clamp storage compartment. Locking casters prevent cart roll-off.
Cart Height: 40.75″ (103.5 cm)
Base Width: 21.625″ x 21.625″ (54.93 cm x 54.93 cm)
Cart Weight: 35.5 lbs. (16.1 kg)
Products covered by one or more issued or pending patents including: Pat. D 919,103.